Sunday, December 02, 2012


In the many years of accomplished man, one would think the accomplishments would be of a unity not divide. Regardless of culture, creed, color of skin, belief, there still is the daunting ailment that lingers within our society today. What is that phrase, “how many muscles does it take to smile rather that of frowning?” The answer will surprise you as it takes 43 muscles to frown and yet only 17 to smile. In this example it is clear to see, society in general likes to take the hard road for happiness, while the wide open spaces before them isn't inviting enough. We always seem to “shoot ourselves in the foot” and rather not have the pleasantries of life to wander through.

What a real disheartened way to look at things, however, in the coming time there's going to be great change and for the betterment for people by the people. We are all getting tired of the little minded individuals who don’t want good change, you see it daily in the news, Corporate structure, government control, Hate, seclusion, selfishness and more. Individualism will be a thing of the past, as we see more peace and the wanting to share in great ideas for the common good of everyone on this planet. Those who take a lessor way of thinking in the minority way of thought and create hate, bullying and more in this stature, are already being looked at in a totally different light and being ignored, which is slowly bringing around change for them as well. It will come a day, they too will be ousted, for people have had enough of the games and their ways. They too will see change and either move towards a betterment, or live a life of the torment they seek.

Scientists have known now for a while that this will be an end to an anthropocentric life and the beginning to a biocentric life. They are wanting to illustrate that human life is but one species among many on this earth and that nature itself can coexist along with man and not just be consummed by man. We are part of an ecosystem, any actions which negatively affect the living systems of which we are a part of, adversely affect us as well. No more hate, only love and peace. It’s coming and the change has been happening for a while now. No more discontent only happiness, for the way of life will be of that. I'm not stating we're returning to the 60’s “LOVE PEACE AND HARMONY”, but they weren’t far off from the way of proper thinking. First Nation’s People, have lived in the free life, the way of harmony for centuries, we could absolutely learn from them. The time is coming; you’re in the midst of history in the making. What's before you, is a time of revelations, a time of no more indifference, but making a difference. We're on a new venture, a new beginning, something everyone will be a part of. This is only the start, where endless possibilities are at your feet. Just a taste of how I see things.

Welcome to the Awakening!


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