With shows from the past such as, Extreme Paranormal, Paranormal State, Most Haunted and others who undoubtedly faked their investigations from, Ghosts farting in caves, to being possessed with chainsaws and fires to burn down the house! Yes, a bit of a metaphor, however, what was put on screen was less appealing and lengthened that black eye the Paranormal Field has tried so desperately to get away from. Now, a new generation of entertainment is beckoning a call from the sublime of the “elite”, who seem to just tread that jaded edge of reality by the water cooler. People want the truth, they want to see what is real out there, and nevertheless, the sounds and words of “Evil” is now, the new trend at the primal moment. If it sounds horrendous or not, we’ll make it growl, giving it the characteristics of Satan and his empire, purging the gates of hell, in exorcisms, possessions, scratching and clawing their way into your homes on your big screen television. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love everything horror, scary, and freaking awesome theatrics like the next individual, but there seems to be a thin line, when we, in the Paranormal should allow or accept is a better term to use, as part of our field of work, unless it is a for real situation. The fad for the day is quickly becoming what devilish dish can we delve up for the audience who craves the tortured soul of many, screaming and dying in agony.
Yes, as crazy as this sounds, it’s true, which at the end of the day, so did those other shows first mentioned that only lasted three or so episodes in and people voiced their opinions and well, where are they now comes to mind? I was asked on a show of recent, "Why is it that people in general, love projected, elaborated shows that are so farfetched, versus that of a show that would be completely truthful in its content?" The answer to that is, the general populous loves fantasy and vivid unreality as it is an escape from the real reality of their day. Oh, yes, it’s captivating and inviting to-say-the-least, and if we give a show that would be completely the truth, well, there wouldn’t be any “Ghost Shows” on television whatsoever. Reason for that is, if you watch the ghost shows on television, every time they go out to investigate any property or graveyard, they have multiple encounters. It keeps the ratings going and people watching. Yes, it does give the wrong impression and misleads everyone who thinks this is how things are done, but in retrospect, are they any different than that of say, Extreme Paranormal that lasted only 3 episodes before it was canned!? No, it’s all the same and now, enters the demonic, evil perception and the end of all to end all programing. It leaves a bad taste in ones thoughts of where is the Paranormal headed and who are we in the field, who actually been out in the field of work for decades, how are we to see this play out and that black eye? Yes, it just gets blacker and blacker!
What are your thoughts on this? You are a valued Paranormal Investigator and yes this is your field of work, weigh in on this perpetual motion of this notion.
Cheers & Blessings To You All...
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