Before I decided to write about this topic, I personally found myself in this scenario and not liking it. Then I pondered the point of how many times have I really been in a situation like this? Crazy when you think of it, however, it's more common of a circumstance in everyone's life, more-so, than what most would like to admit.
We become comfortably numb, to how we settle our dispositions in life, by the acceptance we allow ourselves to follow. A situation in which, if not properly handled, we settle for a, "it'll happen" or "just give it more time". Complacency becomes your best friend in predicaments such as this, because your will, your spirit and yes, the human factor, wants this situation to come to fruition, regardless of the 20/20 hindsight. It's almost like walking around with blinders on, hoping everything you can't see in you path, just falls in line and everything will be as it should be.
Time to take a different view on things, giving yourself the reprieve you need. Becoming bolder in a spiritual sense, doesn't mean you're neglecting or becoming jaded whatsoever. It means, you're not going to allow another's position in life, sway your mindset and giving that "purpose strength", to disengage your will to move forward in life any longer.
People have a thought process we follow and it's not a bad thing, it's just an ever evolving process. Ideology, becomes a narrative within a mindset when we have that desire to want, crave something so strong because of influence that no matter what, we think it'll happen even though there's no light at the end of the tunnel.
This is where the strength of a spirited individual can achieve the fortitude to break the chains that bind! Once one accepts and agrees with themselves that whatever the circumstance may be, he/she can move on and not be prisoner to whatever holds them back. It's often a good thing to reflect, looking at all the pro's and con's of every situation you find yourself in. A better way to become stronger in your spiritual quest in every aspect of life and allowing yourself to gain strength in your life.
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