Monday, October 14, 2013

Robbie Thomas Interviews His Long Time Friend...World Renowned Psychic Medium Barbara Mackey!


 Welcome everyone to yet another fantastic interview and this one is with the wonderful and beautiful, Barbara Mackey Psychic/Medium. Barbara, is one of the most sought after Psychic/Mediums, who’s been seen on The Haunted , Unsolved Mysteries, Court TV, Psychic Detectives, Hollywood At Large, Discovery ID and much more. She has a regular world wide radio broadcast on CBS Radio each week at 
at 7 pm EST. She’s a very good friend of mine and I’m so honoured to call her friend. There’s so much more about Barbara that we’ll get to know of her through this interview and at the end of it, you too, will be calling her friend.
Ladies and Gentlemen, with out further ado…Please, won’t you welcome, my good friend, Barbara Mackey!

Well lovely lady, first off, I must thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to sit with me to discuss everything we can about you. This is a real pleasure I must say.

Barbara - It’s a pleasure to be here today with you, Robbie. You just happen to be one of my favourite Psychic/Mediums and I adore the work you do assisting Police helping families with murdered or lost loved ones. Love all your books you’ve written as you have a great way of putting words to paper. I have to get you back on my radio show in the near future, love having you on there as many people who write us love to hear you.

Robbie - One thing I must admit is, I truly love doing your radio show. We have such a great time when we do a show together. And folks, she really makes you feel so comfortable when we do , do a show together. One thing I noticed when we do a show, is every single caller who dials in to speak with you, always has this love sent to them from you. You really leave a personal impression on your fans.

Q. My question to you would be. What makes Barbara Mackey so approachable? What is that magic substance you have that leaves those who look for guidance from you, coming back time and time again, and feeling so comfortable doing so?

A. I genuinely like people. Some readers may have the gift, but have no tolerance for people and tend to be judgmental. My clients feel they can tell me anything and they’re being provided with a nurturing , healing and comforting place. Plus, I tend to make them laugh when they feel like crying. A sense of Joyful hope permeates the atmosphere. An instant connection seems to be easy for me, thus, easy for my clients. A sense of being home.

Q. Is there anything that you personally fear in the work you do? It could be just from doing normal sessions with people to doing crime cases. What fear do you have towards this type of profession do you have from performing this gift for people?

A. I always do my work with the purest of intentions. “Ego” has no place in this work. I’m merely an instrument of a higher level of communication. No one is completely "on" at all times. You should always question yourself and pray that the information given is correct. This avocation is not for someone who thinks they are greater than their work.

Q. Do you feel that the time we live in, that there’s an influx or demand from people seeking guidance in their lives and do you think people are just not looking within themselves as much as they should be for the source of light and love?

A. Most people look outside for answers. The process of learning is the key to introspection. Our society says; we should seek from "professionals", even though our intuition and "gut instinct” knows all. It's our Spirit that talks to us. We need to learn how to be still and listen and have faith in our feelings. Were overeducated and have lost the primal feelings of our "sixth sense” that we all have. Our society, is becoming more spiritually connected. Now, more than ever, self-awareness is growing and that's a wonderful thing.

Q. What do you see as the main factor these days that drives people to seek out a more spiritual living? Where as, ten, twenty years ago or even longer, people weren’t so attuned to what’s going on around them?

A. Organized religion ...just doesn't provide the looking inward. Society is "tuned out" and "turned off" by the conventional leadership in religion. We've decided to look elsewhere and go inward for answers in creating a more perfect union with ourselves and others.

Q. What makes Barbara Mackey, Barbara Mackey? What drives you day in and day out to do this type of profession in your life?

A. I can never go back to the "real world”. I 'm on a path since 1986, when I had a pre-cognitive dream about my fiancĂ©’s death. It came about just like the dream. I warned him, but to no avail. He died anyway. This projected me into this work as a Psychic/Medium. There have been times, when I wanted to walk away and never look back. The work is psychologically, physically and spiritually demanding, but once you're in this life, you know it's something that you will be doing till the end.

Robbie - It’s a way of life rather that of just living a life!

Barbara - Exactly, we live a life dedicated to life.

Q. Tell me, in everything you’ve done over the course of your career, what’s the most poignant or most celebrated time for you that you remember and can share with us?

A. There are just too many wonderful encounters over the last 28 years. The ones that I feel the most uplifted from, are the diagnosing of illness's that have saved lives.

Q. Now I want to touch upon something that’s dear to my heart as it is yours. We both have worked with Law Enforcement and families, assisting in murder/missing persons cases. This will be a two part question, as I know it’ll be a tough answer, but what or why is it you think so many who feel they are psychic, crave to work with the Police on cases. The second part of the question is, history has shown that so many who have stepped in on this role, have actually failed or a better term would be, missed the mark so-much-so, it gives a huge black eye to those who actually do work time and time again with those agencies and still get resolve for those cases. How does one or society differentiate who is real and who are those who just think they can?

A. I never sought out to work with law enforcement. They sought me out. I never wanted to feel someone's pain of being murdered and their last breath being taken. It happened that I seem to be accurate. The families of missing persons turn to psychics. As I've said before our work is not always totally accurate. Therefore, I never demean the efforts of psychics who give their energy with hopes of helping. There are some, who have no skills and merely do it for the publicity. .The only way to know if a Psychic is capable, is by their hits and if they have a successful track record.

Q, Do you feel Psychics are still looked upon as the gypsy, who’s misunderstood, yet mystical? Someone, who was seen in the way portrayed on television years ago, sitting in a carnival side show, or do you think things have changed and in a great way?

A. Unfortunately, their are "Scams" out there, but like any other profession it goes with the territory. I read for high profile people and they still hide us in the closet for fear of being mocked by society. However, I've seen an amazing change in the last ten years. So many TV shows that put our profession in a good light. Hopeful a sign of things that are here and coming into the "new age”

Robbie - I had to ask that question, as at times you see it in peoples faces, for they can’t understand or just don’t want to. The picture that came to mind for me while asking you, was the Wizard Of Oz, where the old man by a wagon speaks with Dorothy. Dorothy, meets up with a gypsy/fortuneteller on the side of the road as she's running away with Toto, to which he begins to look into his crystal ball reading her. The look on her face told the entire story didnt it?  

Barbara - Loved that movie! One of my favourites. Yes, I totally understand and that's a great way to put it.

Q, Where do you see our world headed in the next 10-25 years from now?

A. Like any rebuilding of a society, there has to be a tearing down of the old to build the new. I see a time of great stress and a yearning for people to dig deep into themselves for answers, as our leaders have failed in many ways. It's just not a USA problem it's a global phenomena. We’re more connected with all countries in this Universe and that's a good thing. Our trials have just started, but with pain comes growth.

Q. Last question. What do you see yourself doing?

A. I’ll be producing and writing documentaries, movies, TV. Educating and enlightening our society on a global scale. Opening their minds and spirits to this honourable profession we call the "Seers"

Robbie - Barbara, I want to thank you very much for joining me today. You’re such a pleasure to work with as always and I just can’t thank you enough. You’re an inspiration to many and to me. I’m glad you took the opportunity to speak to many of these questions for your fans and our readers. Please, would you do me the honour before leaving us, could you say a few words of guidance for our readers. Also, if you could, list all your links and ways people can get a hold of you.

Barbara - I want to thank you, Robbie. This has been a real pleasure. I really loved doing this interview with you. I wish everyone much peace and love who are reading this now. I thank all of you who are and wish you nothing but the best. People can reach me at to tune into my radio show or for readings. Thank you again, Robbie, Blessings to you.

Robbie - God Bless You Barbara! Folks, there you have it! I’m so happy Barbara could join us today, to share with you and me much of her wisdom and guidance. This has been a fantastic interview, one that I’ll look back upon many times and feel good knowing, Barbara Mackey is one beautiful spiritual individual making a huge difference in this world of ours. I like to thank everyone for taking the time to enjoy this time we’ve spent together and from me to you, much love and light …PEACE!

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